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Create PL/SQL to concatenate customer�s name


Hands-On Introduction

In this hands-on you write a PL/SQL Function to concatenate the customer's last name and first name to be separated by a comma. For example: Kazerooni, John.



Since we need only on output therefore you should use FUNCTION. Create a "Function" to concatenate the customer's last name and first name to be separated by a comma.



Remember! A "Function" can have none or many input parameters, but it returns one and only one value.

Select �Program Units� and click �create.�

Name the function "Full_Name,� then select "Function" and click �OK.� Declare a datatype for the Function return value. Declare a first name and last name input parameters. Their datatypes should match with the datatype of the firstname and lastname in the customers table.

In the PL/SQL body, return the customers� concatenated name. Write the exception. In the exception section, do nothing in the case of an error handling exception.

(Procedure Builder)

FUNCTION full_name

(p_fname IN customers.first_name%TYPE,

p_lname IN customers.last_name%TYPE)



-- No variables


-- Full name concatenation�

RETURN p_lname || �, � || p_fname;


WHEN others THEN

-- Do nothing�


END full_name;


Compile and Save a PL/SQL function

Compile the function. You should not have any error. If have any error; then correct the syntax and try again. You should get a message �Successfully compiled.�

Save the function in the database server. Choose the �Program� option and select the "PL/SQL interpreter."

The PL/SQL interpreter is a module that allows the developers to run and debug their stored procedures. It reads PL/SQL statements interactively.

Use the SELECT statement to test the function and pass two input parameters to the full_name function from the dummy table.


Test the PL/SQL function

Make the first parameter "John" and second "Kazerooni".

PL/SQL> SELECT full_name(�John�,�Kazerooni�)

FROM dual;

Query the fist and last name of the customers table.

PL/SQL> SELECT first_name, last_name

FROM customers;

Then, query the customers� concatenated full name using the full_name function.

PL/SQL> SELECT full_name(first_name, last_name) as �FULL NAME�

FROM customers;



Q: What is the PL/SQL function?

Q: What are the differences between the PL/SQL function and procedure?

Q: When do you create the PL/SQL function?

Q: write a PL/SQL Function to concatenate the customer's last name and first name to be separated by a comma. For example: Kazerooni, John. Name the function "Full_Name,� and declare a datatype for the Function return value. Declare a first name and last name input parameters. Their datatypes should match with the datatype of the firstname and lastname in the customers table.

In the PL/SQL body, return the customers� concatenated name. Write the exception. In the exception section, do nothing in the case of an error handling exception.

Q: How do you execute the above created PL/SQL function in the SQLPLUS tool?

Q: What is the PL/SQL interpreter?

Q: How do you execute a PL/SQL procedure in the PL/SQL interpreter?

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