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Discovering a Server Node using OEM



As a DBA, you are responsible for adding databases to the Oracle Enterprise Manager. You will be told the domain name and server and then you�ll need to discover the node to your OEM. You are also responsible for starting and shutting down a database.

Your tasks are:

Discovering a Server Node

Identifying all of the databases

Setting Preferred Credential Users

Accessing a database

Changing a user credential

Shutting down a database

Starting-up a database


On the Enterprise Manager Console, expand the nodes.
Notice that there is no node.

In the Navigator menu, click on "Discover Nodes."

Click NEXT in the Discovery Wizard Window.

Type the node name and click NEXT to start the discovery wizard. Notice that the Intelligent Agent must be started in the machine.

The node was successfully discovered. Then click FINISH.

The LOCALHOST server was automatically discovered. Click Okay.

Expand the LOCALHOST machine.

Check how many databases you have on that server. There are two.

Check the Listeners item.

Suppress the NODE item and expand the DATABASES item.

Open the DBS4RMAN database and enter the username and password.

Save it as Preferred Credential.

Open the SCHOOL database and enter the username and password as a normal DBA.

Save it as Preferred Credential.

On the "Configuration" menu, click "Preferences."

Then, click on the "Preferred Credentials" tab.

Click on the DBS4RMAN database and change its role to SYSDBA so you can start and shutdown the database.

Click Okay.

Suppress the SCHOOL database and expand the INSTANCE item.

Click "Configuration."

Notice that this user, as NORMAL, is not able to startup or shutdown the database. Disconnect the SYSTEM user.

Now, connect as SYSDBA.

Expand "Instance" and click on "Configuration."

Notice that the shutdown and startup options are not gray. Select the "Shutdown" option and apply the shutdown process.

Use the Immediate option and click Okay.

Check to see if the database was shutdown successfully and then close the window.

Notice that Oracle is not available.

Disconnect the database. And connect back to the database.

Expand "Instance" and click "Configuration."

Let's open the database.

We also can use other startup options.

Apply the startup process.

Use configured parameters and click Okay.

The startup was successful. Close window.

Click memory to see the memory configuration.

Click on the Recovery and UNDO tab.

Details about each configuration, were already discussed in the Database Fundamentals I and II tutorial.

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