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Detecting a session lock problem using OEM



As a DBA, you are responsible for detecting a session lock problem. The following is a summary of your task:


Using the �Lock Monitor� tool

Selecting a target database

Identifying the Lock Session

Obtaining locked users

Obtaining a user�s lock mode

Resolving lock contentions


In this exercise you will learn how to identify the session lock problems from the "Lock Monitor" tool using the Oracle Enterprise Management tool (OEM).

Expand the databases.

Select the DBS4RMAN database.

Go to the "Diagnostics Pack" tools and click on the "Lock Monitor" icon.

In the "Lock Manager" window, notice that the "ORACLE" user is in the exclusive mode and that it�s holding the SYSTEM user. Although the SYSTEM user requested an exclusive lock, it was not given to it.

Let's go to the ORACLE session that was holding the SYSTEM user. Then you commit the transaction.

Go back to the "Lock Manager" window, the lock disappears after the window is refreshed.

Now, the SYSTEM user has an exclusive lock with no holding request
locks. Now, you have a happy customer.

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