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Cursor Parameter


Hand-On Introduction

In this Hands-On, you use the �test_for_loop2� file from the previous Hands-On. Then modify the PL/SQL block that the cursor only calculates the department statistics for a specific department. For example the department number 10. Save the file in your directory as �test_for_loop3.�


Go to �MS-DOS.� Change directory to your directory. And login to �SQLPLUS� as �oracle/learning� Open the notepad editor. Open the �test_for_loop2� file from your directory

In the declaration section, modify the cursor to use a cursor parameter to pass the department number as an input parameter. Add a WHERE clause condition to query only the input parameter. Declare the department number variable.


Defining parameter in a PL/SQL cursor

In the execution section, assign number 10 to the department number variable. Modify the FOR LOOP statement to pass the department number as an input parameter.



-- define department statistics

cursor c_ds (p_deptno dept.deptno%TYPE) is

select dname, count (*) ttemp,

sum(sal) ttsal, avg(sal) avsal

from dept d, emp e

where d.deptno = e.deptno

and d.deptno = p_deptno

group by dname;

-- define deptno variable

v_deptno NUMBER(2);


-- assign deptno 10

v_deptno := 10;

-- loop to read cursor record.

for v_ds in c_ds (v_deptno) loop

-- insert into dept_stat

insert into dept_stat

values (v_ds.dname, v_ds.ttemp,

v_ds.ttsal, v_ds.avsal);

end loop;

-- save the insert transaction.




Save a PL/SQL block

Save the file in your directory as �test_for_loop3�.


Run a PL/SQL block

Go to �sqlplus.� Query the department statistics table. Then truncate the dept_stat table in the case there are records in the table.

SQL> truncate table dept_stat;


Check the output

Query the dept_stat table again.

SQL> select * from dept_stat;

No data!


Run the file.

SQL> @test_for_loop3


Query the dept_stat table.

SQL> select * from dept_stat;

Now, you see the result here!



Q: What is the cursor parameter in the PL/SQL language?
Q: Where do you define a cursor parameter in the PL/SQL language?

Q: Write a PL/SQL block to populate the department table statistics into the �dept_stat� table for a specific department.

Statistics Information:

The Department Number,

The total number of employees in each department,

The total salary paid in each department, and

The average salary paid in each department.

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