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Hands-On introduction

In this Hands-On, you modify the �test_for_loop3� file from previous Hands-On. You need to add exception to the PL/SQL block.

The PL/SQL EXCEPTION section is a place that handles your errors that occurs in the execution time.


In the exception section, you will add the �others� pre-defined exception to inform a user if the department number variable contains an invalid number. Then you add a user defined exception, to check the total number of employees in a department. You check to see if the total number of employees was less than 10, then the procedure raises an exception and prints a message - �We need more good employees.� Then save the file in your directory as �test_exception.sql.�



Go to �MS-DOS.� Change directory to your directory. And login to �SQLPLUS� as �oracle/learning�


Set the serveroutput option to on.

SQL> set serveroutput on


Error handling without EXCEPTION

Open the notepad editor. Open the �test_for_loop3� file from your directory.

Modify the PL/SQL block to assign �a� to the department number variable.



v_deptno NUMBER(2);


-- assign deptno 10

v_deptno := �a�;



Save the file in your directory as �c:_exception.sql�

Go to �SQLPLUS.� Run the file.

SQL> @test_exception

It will crash. Why? It crashes since the program didn�t know how to handle the errors.


Error handling with EXCEPTION

Oracle Defined EXCEPTION

Go back to notepad. Add exceptions to the PL/SQL block. In the exception section, check if any exceptions happened then print �Invalid Department number.�



v_deptno NUMBER(2);


-- assign deptno 10

v_deptno := �a�;


-- example of PL/SQL define exception

WHEN invalid_number THEN


(�Invalid deptno: � || v_deptno);

WHEN others THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (�Other problem.�);



Save the file.

Go to �SQLPLUS.� Run the file again.

SQL> @test_exception


Notice that the PL/SQL execution will not crash this time. Why?


User Defined EXCEPTION

Go back to notepad. Now, add the user defined exception to raise an exception if the number of employees is less than 10. In the declaration section, declare a user defined exception. In the execution section, check if the total number of employees is less than 10 then raise the exception. In the exception section, check if the exception was raised then print �we need more good employees.�



-- define department statistics

CURSOR c_ds (p_deptno dept.deptno%type) IS

SELECT dname, count (*) ttemp,

sum(sal) ttsal, avg(sal) avsal

FROM dept d, emp e

WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno

GROUP BY dname;

-- define deptno variable

v_deptno NUMBER(2);

not_enough_emp EXCEPTION;


-- assign deptno 10

v_deptno := �a�;

-- loop to read cursor record.

FOR v_ds in c_ds (v_deptno) LOOP

IF v_ds.ttemp < 10 THEN

raise not_enough_emp;


-- insert into dept_stat

INSERT INTO dept_stat

VALUES (v_ds.dname, v_ds.ttemp,

v_ds.ttsal, v_ds.avsal);


-- save the insert transaction.



-- example of user define exception

WHEN not_enough_emp THEN

dbms_output.put_line(�We need more employees�);

-- check deptno

WHEN invalid_number THEN

dbms_output.put_line(�Invalid deptno: � || v_deptno);

WHEN others THEN

dbsm_output.put_line(�Other problem.�);




Save the file.

Go to �sqlplus.�

Run the file again.

SQL> @test_exception

Notice that the first exception terminates the PL/SQL block.


Correct the error

Now, go back to the notepad editor and correct the error to eliminate the first exception.



-- define department statistics

CURSOR c_ds (p_deptno dept.deptno%type) IS

SELECT dname, count (*) ttemp,

sum(sal) ttsal, avg(sal) avsal

FROM dept d, emp e

WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno

GROUP BY dname;

-- define deptno variable

v_deptno NUMBER(2);

not_enough_emp EXCEPTION;


-- assign deptno 10

v_deptno := 10;

-- loop to read cursor record.

FOR v_ds in c_ds (v_deptno) LOOP

IF v_ds.ttemp < 10 THEN

raise not_enough_emp;


-- insert into dept_stat

INSERT INTO dept_stat

VALUES (v_ds.dname, v_ds.ttemp,

v_ds.ttsal, v_ds.avsal);


-- save the insert transaction.



-- example of user define exception

WHEN not_enough_emp THEN

dbms_output.put_line(�We need more employees�);

-- check deptno

WHEN invalid_number THEN

dbms_output.put_line(�Invalid deptno: � || v_deptno);

WHEN others THEN

dbsm_output.put_line(�Other problem.�);



Save the file.Run the file.


Now, you should not have any error.



Q: What is the EXCEPTION section in the PL/SQL language?

Q: What do you use the EXCEPTION section for?

Q: What would be happen if you don�t define your exception in the PL/SQL procedure?

Q: What is an Oracle Defined EXCEPTION?

Q: What is a User Defined EXCEPTION?

Q: What are the differences between a User Defined and an Oracle defined exceptions?

Q: Modify the previous PL/SQL block--last assignment in the previous hands-on practice--to add a user defined exception, to check the total number of employees in a department. Check if the total number of employees less than 10 then the procedure raises an exception and print a message - �We need more good employees.�

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