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Introduction to Query Builder



Query Builder will facilitate you to write �SQL� code by providing a visual interface to the database objects being linked. It writes your simple or complex query. You can save your query at your client-side. It allows you to set your table relationships and visualize your database objects that being linked, including the tables, columns, and datatypes.



In this Hands-On, you will learn how to: Create a query, Join Multiple tables (the �dept� table and the �emp� table), Set table relationship, Execute Query, Sort query, Add where clause condition, Listing query, Saving query.


Open Query Builder tool

Open the �Query Builder� tool.


Login as �oracle� password learning, and then click �CONNECT.�


If you get the �Note� window, click on the �OK� button.


Create a Query

In the �Start Query Builder� window, click "OK" to create new query.


In the �Select Data Tables� window, select the "department" (DEPT) table and then click on �include.� This action will include the �Dept� table in the �Query� window.

Select the �Employee� (EMP) table and click on �include.�

Close the �Start Query Builder� window.


Maximize the "Query Builder" window if it is needed.


Set Table Relationship

Click on the "set table relationship� icon on the horizontal tool bar below the Main menu.

In the �Set Relationship� window, type �dept.deptno� the department number of the department table on the "A" box; and �emp.deptno� the department number of the employee table on the "B" box. Then Click "OK." This will represent the relationship between primary key and foreign key. Notice that you want to use the �Suppress Mismatch� option to avoid outer join syntax. The �A not found in B� or �B not found in A� option is a form of an outer join statement.


Select columns

Checkmark all the columns in the �Query� window that you want to query. In this hands-on, select the department name (DNAME) column, the employee name (ENAME) column and the salary (SAL) column.


SQL Statement

To check your SQL statement, click on the �Show SQL� icon on the horizontal tool bar below the Main menu.


Notice: The �where� clause in the SQL statement. It joins two tables by referencing the primary of a table to the foreign key of the other table.


Run the query

In the �Show Query� window, click "execute."

In the �Results� window, check the output.


In the �Results� window, select the DNAME column by clicking on it. Then choose the "sort ascending� icon on the horizontal tool bar below the Main menu. Then go to the �Show SQL� window and execute the query. Table was sorted. Close the window.


Query condition

To restrict the query output, click on the condition box and add a �where� clause to display all the employees of the sales department whom their salaries are more than 2000. The condition box is in the �Query� window at the left most side of window. For example: EMP.SAL > 2000 and DEPT.DNAME = �SALES�


Show SQL

Press the enter key. Click on the �Show SQL� icon.


Notice: The where clause condition were added to the �SQL� statement.

Execute the statement.


Check the output and close the �Show SQL� window.


Save Query

Click on the �Query� window; and then choose the �File� option and click on �Save as� or �Save� to save the query in the folder. For example: c:_salary4sales_department.sql


Click �OK.�


Name the file �emp_salary4sales_department� and click on �Save;� and exit From �Query Builder.�



Q: Create a query using the "Query Builder" tool.

Q: How can you join multiple tables using the "Query Builder" tool?

Q: How can you establish table relationship between multiple tables using the "Query Builder" tool?

Q: Execute a query using the "Query Builder" tool.

Q: Sort a query using the "Query Builder" tool.

Q: How can you add a "WHERE" clause condition to a query using the "Query Builder" tool?

Q: List a query using the "Query Builder" tool.

Q: Save a query using the "Query Builder" tool.

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