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Introduction to Graphics Builder



Graphics Builder lets you to create interactive graphical displays of the data in a database. You can include these graphics in your forms or reports. Graphics Builder provides a complete set of drawing and editing tools, along with a �Chart Wizard� to simplify the process of using the tools.



In this Hands-On, you learn how to: Create a chart, Write a query, Execute a query, Modify a query, and Save a chart. You will create a chart to show a salary distribution in each department.


Open Graphics Builder tool

Open the �Graphics Builder� tool and create a chart to show a salary distribution in each department.

When you open the �Graphics Builder� tool, the �Object Navigator� and �Graphics: Disp1: Layout Editor� window will be opened.

You can open the database if you click on the database object. If you don�t open the database the �Graphics Builder� tool will force you to enter your userid, password, and database name.


Create a chart

In the �Graphics: Layout Editor� window, on the left vertical tool bar, click on the "chart� icon. To know which icon is the �Chart� icon, drag the cursor on any icon and a tooltip displays the icon function.


Drag the cursor and click anywhere on the �layout editor.� A �+� sign will be displayed on the �Layout Editor� window. Drag it anywhere that you want to see the chart and click the mouse to display the �Chart Genie - New Query� window.


SQL statement

In the �Chart Genie - New Query� window, type the query name and write a query to show the total salaries paid for each department in the �SQL statement� box.

(SQL Statement box)

SELECT deptno, sum(sal) totals

FROM emp

GROUP BY deptno


Click on the "Execute" button. If you didn�t login to the database, you will get the �Connect� window to login.

Login as oracle password �learning� then click �CONNECT.�


In the �Data� tab in the �Chart Genie� window, check the query output and click �OK.�


In the �Chart� tab in the �Chart Properties� window type the chart�s name (c_dept_sal) and it's title (Salary Distributions). Select the type and subtype and then click �OK.�


Display a chart

You should see the chart. As you can see the department numbers are not meaningful and you should change them to department name a more meaningful title.


Modify a chart

To change the department number to department name, click on the �SQL� icon on the �Queries� item in the �Object Navigator� window. The �Query Properties� window will be displayed.

Join the employee table with the department table and add the department name to the query.

(SQL Statement box)

SELECT dname, sum(sal) totals

FROM emp e, dept d

WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno

GROUP BY dname

Click �OK.�

You should get the following message:

Column �DEPTNO� specified in chart your-chart-name not found

Delete missing columns from chart?

Click �Yes,� to remove the department number from the chart.


Now, this chart is much easier to understand, than the previous chart.


Save a chart

Save the chart in the �oracle� folder using the �file system� option. You can also save the chart object in the database. Save the chart (c:\_sal).



Q: How can you create a chart using the "Graphics Builder" tool?

Q: How can you run a query against a chart?

Q: How can you modify a query?

Q: How can you save a query?

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