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How to manage Certificates and configure OCA

To approve a client certificate request, use the OCA administration page by using the following URL:

You should get a prompt for the certificate to be used for authentication. Select the OCA administrator certificate. Then click OK.

Now, you can click the �Certificate management� tab to manage your pending certificates. Notice that all certificates that they are pending for your approval will be displayed by default.

Select the certificate that you want to approve, and then click on the �View Details� button.

In the �Certificate Request Details� page, you should see the details of the user certificate request. Once you have verified the details information that provided by the user, click on the �Approve� button to approve the certificate. You can also change the �Validity Period� value on the �Certificate Request Details� page.

Once you get a notification of the certificate request approval, click OK. Now, if you search on the certificate request ID that you have approved, you should notice that the status of the certificate is displayed as Certified.

Now, the user can also search for the certificate and once the approved certificate was received he/she can import the certificate into his/her browser.

Clicking the link under the column Serial Number, displays you a detail of the approved certificate. You can scroll down, and click the �Import to Browser� button to import the certificate to the browser.

How to enable the OCA server to send you an email in case the number of requests pending approval exceeds the threshold mark value:

In the �OCA administration� page, click on the �Configuration Management� tab to set your configuration. By default, the notification page is displayed. On this page, enter the values for you SMTP server. Also, check mark the �Enable Alert� and �Pending Requests Queue over Threshold� boxes, and enter reasonable values for the �Queue Size Threshold� and �Interval between Queue Size Checks� fields.
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