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How to export and import Page Groups or Portal DB Providers in OracleAS Portal:

Oracle Application Server Portal has utilities (export/import) which provide a copy of your portal content from server A to server B portal installations. I use it to copy or update portal page groups and portlets from a development instance to test and production instances of OracleAS Portal.

Notice that you only can export and import only within the same release of OracleAS Portal.

Steps to do export from the OracleAS portal instance A to the OracleAS portal instance B:
>> Make sure that you have your �Provider� in the OracleAS portal instance B. You must have your �provider� before you import the exported OracleAS portal objects. The first time an export is performed, the entire page group or db provider needs to be exported and imported.
>> Create transport sets.
- Log into portal (http://host:7777/pls/portal)
- Select the Export link under Actions in the Navigator page. Notice that the export links are not available for all objects (for example, seeded page groups such as portlet repository, documentation, etc cannot be exported, the same is true for certain providers such as web providers, internal provider, provider group, etc.) Also, the user can also select whether to export the access control lists associated with the objects in the transport set. For the Users/Groups which are part of the access control lists, choose whether to include their preferences.
- Enter a descriptive name for your transport sets.
- Select your objects to be exported.
- Use the download UNIX script or DOS script option to create your batch export program. For ex: export4me.csh
- On UNIX, change the file mode to be executable: # chmod 755 export4me.csh
- Run the script: #./export4me.csh �mode export
- Now, ftp the dump file and export4me.csh script into the OracleAS portal instance B.
- Run the script on the OracleAS portal instance B: #./export4me.csh �mode import
- The URL link pages will break and need to point to the OracleAS portal instance B. Go to the Navigator page and change its link properties. You should use a Page Link item type to create a link. The Page Link item type dynamically generates the correct link at runtime. Therefore, it ensures that links do not 'break' when pages are imported into a different site.
- You can export the following object types: Page Group, Page, Category, Perspective, Template, Navigation page, Style, Page type, Item type, and Attribute in the Page Group; and Portal DB Provider, Form, Report, Chart, Calendar, Dynamic Page, XML Component, Hierarchy, Menu, URL, Frame Driver, Link, List of Values, and Data Component in the DB Providers

Check the job_queue_processes parameter, it must be a positive number more than 1.
SQL> show parameter job_queue_processes
If not, set it.
SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET job_queue_processes=10 SCOPE=spfile;
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