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Managing Roles using OEM



As a DBA, you are responsible for managing Oracle roles. The following is a summary of your task:



Selecting a target database

Creating a role

Granting a role to a role

Granting a system privilege to a role

Removing a role



Expand the Database item.

Expand the DBS4RMAN database.

Expand the Security item.

Expand the Roles item.

Highlight the "Roles" item, right click and select "Create."

On the Create Role window, enter a new Role name for dba.

Associate a password to the new role. And then enter password and then confirm it.

On the "Role" tab, grant the "CONNECT" and "Resource" roles to the user with an admin option.

On the "System Privilege" tab, grant the "ALTER ANY INDEX" and "CREATE ANY INDEX" system privilege to the user.

Click on the "Show SQL" icon to show the SQL statement to generate a role.

Then, click the Create icon to create a role. The user was created successfully.

Here is the Role. Browse its Roles and System Privileges.

Right click and remove it.

Verify the remove request. The role was removed.

Suppress the items on the OEM navigation window.


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