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Obtaining a Database Information using OEM


As a DBA, you are responsible for obtaining database information. The following is a summary of your task:


Obtaining the �Disk space used by tables� report

Selecting a target database

Obtaining the �Instance� report

Obtaining �SGA� information

Obtaining the �Security� report

Obtaining user information

Obtaining profile information

Obtaining role information

Obtaining the �Storage� report

Obtaining tablespace information

Obtaining datafile information

Obtaining rollback segment information

Obtaining redo log and archive log information


In this exercise you will learn how to get more database information such as the "Disk space used by tables" report, the "Instance" report, the "Security" report, and the "Storage" report from using the Report Definitions utility using the Oracle Enterprise Management tool (OEM).

Click on the "Report Definitions" icon.

Let's get some information about "Disk space Used by tables."

Double click on it, and select the database that you want to run the report against.

Then, click on the "View Report" button.

Notice that the report will be generated in the HTML format. Browse through the report.

Here, you can check all of the table space with their total space used and number extents. Also, you can check who owns them and what tablespace they are using.

Close the windows. Go back to the Report Definitions Window and run the "Instance" report by double clicking on it.

Select the database that you want to run the report against.

Then, click on the "View Report" button.

Notice that an HTML file was created. Click on the Database and Instance link.

Here, you have information about the database, such as the database name, version, host name, and whether or not it is in the archivelog mode.

You can also check the Option of installation,

The SGA information and Initialization parameter information.

The SGA information such as the Buffer Cache, Redo Buffer, and Shared Pool. Then close the windows and select the new report.

Let's select the Security report.

Select the target database and click on the View Report button.

Click on the General User Account Information link. Here we can see all of the users, their profiles, temporary tablespace, and default tablespace.

In the user�s roles, we will find all of the roles with their associated roles.

On the Tablespace Quota, we will find all of the quotas assigned to a user. Now, close the windows and open another report.

Let's select the Storage Report.

Select the target database and click on the View Report button.

In the Storage report, we will find information about: Controlfiles, Tablespaces, Datafiles, Rollback Segments, Redo log, and Archive logs.
Close the windows


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