Application Server
How to maintain a user to the OID
server under a realm using the command line tools
Assuming your realm is cn=Users,dc=myhost,dc=com. To add a new user,
you should perform the following steps:
- vi a file to create a new file with extension LDIF and name it �myfirstuser.ldif�.
- Enter the following into the above created file.
dn: cn=username,cn=Users,dc=myhost,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetorgperson
objectclass: orcluser
objectclass: orcluserV2
cn: username
sn: John
description: My first new user
givename: UsersName
mail: [email protected]
userpassword: Your-Password
- Save the file
- Execute the ldapadd command to add the new user.
- $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
- $ ./ldapadd �p 3060 myapp.myhost.com �D cn=orcladmin �w passwd �v
�f /u01/oracle/myfirstuser.ldif
- To verify that the user was added do the following:
- ./ldapbind �p 3060 �D cn=username,cn=Users,dc=myhost,dc=com �w
- To change the password:
- vi a file and enter the following lines into myfirstchange.ldif.
dn: cn=username,cn=Users,dc=myhost,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: userpassword
userpassword: newpassword
- save the file and execute the ldapmodify command as shown:
- $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/.ldapmodify �p 3060 �h myapp.myhost.com �D cn=orcladmin
�w Your-Password �v �f /u01/oracle/myfirstchange.ldif
- To add an attributes to user do the following:
dn: cn=username,cn=Users,dc=myhost,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: telephone
telephone: 1234567890
- Save the above lines to your-file and execute the ldapmodify
- ./ldapmodify �p 3060 �h myapp.myhost.com �D cn=orcladmin �w your-passwd
�v �f /u01/oracle/your-file
- To delete a user do the following:
- ./ldapdelete �p 3060 �h myapp.myhost.com �D �cn=orcladmin� -w
your-passwd �cn=username,cn=Users,dc=myhost,dc=com�
To create a user by using ODM, open ODM, and connect to OID server
with the username orcladmin and the password your-password.
Expand the Entry Management> dc=com> dc=myhost> dc=Users. Then
select the cn=PUBLIC node under cn=Users. Right click to view the
pop-up menu and click on the �Create Like� option from the pop-up
menu to create a new user.