How to administer OracleAS Single
Sign-On Server
(Administering Single Sign-On Server)
List the components of the OracleAS Single Sign-On:
- SSO server
- Partner application
- External application
- mod_osso
How to increase the SSO server session duration:
Open your browser window, and open the Oracle SSO server home page
by typing the following link:<port>/pls/orasso
Then click on the login link.
In the �Sign In� page, enter the username orcladmin with its
password, and click Login.
Then, click on the �SSO Server Administration� link. On the new
page, click the �Edit SSO Server Configuration� link.
On the �Edit SSO Server� page, change the �Single Sign-On session
duration� value. In this page, you can also indicate whether the SSO
Server should do IP address verification.
How to stop or start the SSO server by using the Application
Server Control:
To start or stop the SSO server, open a browser window and then open
your Application Server Control by using the following URL.<port> (default port application server
control port.)
In the �Standalone Instance� section, click the link for the
infrastructure instance. In this page, you will see various
components of the server such as HTTP_Server, OC4J_SECURITY, oca,
OID, Single Sign-On:orasso, and Management instances.
It lists above various components with their status. Select the
check boxes next to HTTP_Server and OC4J_SECURITY to stop, start, or
restart. Then click Yes when prompted for confirmation. This will
start, stop, or restart the HTTP server and OC4J Security
components, and thus the SSO server.
In this screen, you can Enable/Disable Components, Configure
Component, Create OC4J instance, Start, Stop, Restart, or Delete
OC4J Instance.
To add an external application to the SSO server:
Click on the �Administer External Applications� link instead of the
�Edit SSO Server Configuration� link. This will allow you to create
or edit configuration information for external applications.
External applications are web-based applications that perform their
own user name/password authentication through HTML login forms. The
SSO Server will login to these applications on behalf of the user.
In the �Administer External Applications� page, you can add, edit or
delete an external application. Click on the �Add External
Application� link.
In the �Create External Application� page, scroll down to the
External Application Login section, and enter the details. For
example you may enter:
Application Name: myhost
Login URL:
User Name/ID Field name: login
Password Field Name: passwd
To find the exact User Name/ID and Password fields, view the source
html code.
Al last, in the �Authentication Method� section, select �POST� from
the list and the click OK to create your external application.
Notice that the �Administer External Application� page will display
your new external application myhost!
How to monitor the OracleAS SSO server (Monitoring the SSO
To view the OracleAS SSO server monitoring pages, open a browser
window, and then open your Application Server Control. Go to the
Infrastructure Instance home page and click on the �Single Sign-On:orasso�
link in the �System Components� page.
In the �SSO Server Monitoring� page, you will see the login details
for the last 24 hours. It displays the success and failure
percentages, and the logins that failed in last 24 hours with their
count. |